Thursday, February 24, 2011

Got compression, air,spark....

Need fuel.

The 10r's fuel pump is not a burly thing, multiple reports of failure, barely adequate flow rates, and expensive to replace when it does fail. But, a much more powerful pump fits in the same space with minimal modification. It's included in the kit.

It's a Walbro 250. Here's the difference....

The in-tank fuel pump housing. The yellow highest wire is the low-fuel sensor, the golden "top hat" is the pressure regulator. Dissambly is easy, the two side screws and the two electrical connections get undone, then the whole pump slides out of the "sump". Further discerning pulling separates the pump itself from the housing.

As the new pump is taller than the stock one, both the white regulator retainer clips' tail and the regulator tail itself must be shortened. Dremel. There are several o-rings around the various inlets, use a flashlight to ensure you remove/replace all as necessary otherwise an errant one can block fuel flow.
The small white clip in the center of the pic applies pressure to the pump outflow tube, it needs a bit of dremel work as well to sit flat on the new pump, as the tabs are slightly different. The base of the stock pump is treated to a rubber gasket, this gets tossed. The white retaining clip goes back on, though. Ensure the new pump and wiring harness are seated as fully as possible. Of note, the fuel filter screen that comes with the kit is particularly difficult to coax into the sump. Slow methodical corner by corner will allow it to descend, though.

Ensure the wires are routed behind the new connector and as close to the pump as possible as it's a tight fit to get the assembly back in the tank. Also ensure that your connections are secure and correct as they'll be in a fuel tank a long time. 

The regulator retainer (white clip) must be secured with a zip tie to ensure the regulator doesn't pop out. Use the smallest diameter tie possible as again it's a very tight fit to get it into the tank.

Clean/replace the big o-ring if needed, then torque to 7ft/lb with red locktite. Reinstall tank on bike, bolt rear down, prop front. Connect electrical,vent and fuel lines.

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